6 Calisthenics Moves to Test Your Strength! – Calisthenicmovement

  1. Passive hang
    Level 1: 30s – Level 2: 60s – Level 3: +90s
  2. Frog stand
    Level 1: 20s feet support – Level 2: 20s without feet support – Level 3: +40s without feet support
  3. Side plank
    Level 1: 20s with both legs – Level 2: 20s one leg – Level 3: +40s one leg
  4. Squat hold
    Level 1: 30s – Level 2: 60s – Level 3: +90s
  5. Typewriter pullup
    Level 1: 20s high pullup hold – Level 2: half typewriter – Level 3: one full typewriter
  6. Handstand
    Level 1: 20s pikestand hold – Level 2: 20s wall handstand hold – Level 3: 40s handstand hold